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A Missing Features in iBatis ?

Well, I think this is a missing feature in iBatis. Gave up after I searched and searched again for more information.

<resultMap id="TableA" class="com.twit88.valueobject.TableA">
    <result column="COL_1" property="col1" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>
    <result column="COL_2" property="col2" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>
    <result column="COL_3" property="col3" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP"/>

<select id="select-record" resultMap="MyResult"
    COL_1, COL_2

The above will not work since my SELECT statement only return COL_1 and COL_2 and the ResultMap is expecting 3 columns. I can always write a ResultMap with 2 columns, but this is really a hassle. I could not say that the column is OPTIONAL !!!

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