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Develop a Java Plugin Framework

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Recently I have to develop a plugin based application in one of my project. I was trying to see if there is any open source plugin framework that I can used. I found Java Plugin Framwork (JPF) which is a good plugin framework. However, after awhile I found that it is too complicated for my own use, and I developed a very much simplified plugin framework for my own use.

I will briefly describe how I develop the framework.

First, I have the IPlugin and IPluginContext interfaces.

public interface IPlugin {
String getName();

void performAction(IPluginContext context);

public interface IPluginContext {

IMessage getMessage();
void setMessage(IMessage message);


In my case, I have different kinds of messages, e.g. SMS message, MMS message, etc. Each message will have its own processor. Occassionally I need to put in extra processor to process the existing messages.

For the message, I have the BaseMessage class and IMessage interface.

public class BaseMessage {
protected String aNo;
protected String bNo;
protected String content;

public String getANo() {
return aNo;

public void setANo(String aNo) {
this.aNo = aNo;

public String getBNo() {
return bNo;

public void setBNo(String bNo) {
this.bNo = bNo;

public String getContent() {
return content;

public void setContent(String content) {
this.content = content;

public interface IMessage {


Every message will have A number, B number and the message content. SMS message does not have extra attribute but MMS message will have the fileName attribute.

public class SMSMessage extends BaseMessage implements IMessage {


public class MMSMessage extends BaseMessage implements IMessage {

protected String fileName;

public String getFileName() {
return fileName;

public void setFileName(String fileName) {
this.fileName = fileName;

Every plugin shall implements the IPlugin interface.

public class SMSPlugin implements IPlugin {

public String getName() {
return “SMS Processor Plugin”;

public void performAction(IPluginContext context) {
if (context.getMessage() instanceof SMSMessage) {
SMSMessage message = (SMSMessage) context.getMessage();
System.out.println(“Processing SMS message”);

public class MMSPlugin implements IPlugin {

public String getName() {
return “MMS Processor Plugin”;

public void performAction(IPluginContext context) {
if (context.getMessage() instanceof MMSMessage) {
MMSMessage message = (MMSMessage) context.getMessage();
System.out.println(“Processing MMS message”);

public class MMSEnchPlugin implements IPlugin {

public String getName() {
return “Enhanced MMS Processor Plugin”;

public void performAction(IPluginContext context) {
if (context.getMessage() instanceof MMSMessage) {
MMSMessage message = (MMSMessage) context.getMessage();
System.out.println(“Processing enhanced MMS message”);

In the application, I should define a plugin configuration file which describes the plugin name, class and library, and during application startup, I will read and load the plugin. E.g. of an plugin configuration file is as below.

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”ISO-8859-1″ ?>

<app-name>Sample Plugin Application</app-name>

<name>SMS plugin</name>

<name>MMS plugin</name>

<name>Enhanced MMS plugin</name>


You could use the XML configuration utility that I described in the previous articles to do that. Read the article at
XML Configuration for Java Program and
Java – Auto Reloading of Configuration File

To load the class, you can refer to my previous article, Java – dynamic loading of class and jar file

For a simple test program, see below.

public static void main(String[] args) {

// This part should be made configurable from config file
List pluginCollection = new ArrayList();
// Load SMS plugin
SMSPlugin smsPlugin = new SMSPlugin();

// Load MMS Plugin
MMSPlugin mmsPlugin = new MMSPlugin();

// Load MMS Plugin
MMSEnchPlugin mmsEnchPlugin = new MMSEnchPlugin();

// Let said depend on user selection,
SMSMessage smsMessage = new SMSMessage();
smsMessage.setContent(“test SMS”);

MMSMessage mmsMessage = new MMSMessage();
mmsMessage.setContent(“test SMS”);
mmsMessage.setFileName(“MMS file name”);

MessageContext smsMessageContext = new MessageContext(smsMessage);
MessageContext mmsMessageContext = new MessageContext(mmsMessage);
for (int i = 0; i < pluginCollection.size(); i++) {
IPlugin plugin = pluginCollection.get(i);


I created SMS and MMS messages respectively, and pass them into different message contexts. Then I invoke the plugins to process them.

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  1. johney | Jan 14, 2009 | Reply

    this is very helpful.

  2. James | Aug 27, 2009 | Reply

    Fantastic. Must read for anyone interested in writing pluggable java applications. Thanks!

3 Trackback(s)

  1. From Develop a Java Plugin Framework - Search for Plugin Dynamically | | Oct 8, 2007
  2. From Java: Simplified Plugin Finder using Commons Discovery | Programming Resources | Apr 1, 2008
  3. From Developing A Simple Pluggable Java Application | SolitaryGeek | Sep 25, 2009

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