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Spring Roo for Enterprise Java Application Development

This is another Java application framework that I am looking at now.

Spring Roo provides interactive, lightweight, user customizable tooling that enables rapid delivery of high performance enterprise Java applications.


  • 100% Java programming, offering developers a familiar, mature and mainstream programming platform
  • Transparent, reliable and productive IDE services like code assist, debuggers, visual error reporting etc
  • Extremely efficient runtime performance, type safety and zero runtime dependencies on Roo
  • Zero lock-in and dependence on Roo (optionally jump-start your project then remove it in ~4 clicks!)
  • Automatic, best practice Spring Framework 3 application architectures
  • Maven 2-based project structures
  • JPA-based persistence (eg via Hibernate) and with 100% JPA compliance and implementation portability
  • Inbuilt database configuration support, with automatic JDBC configuration for most popular databases
  • Transparent dependency injection and persistence methods for all entities, including those retrieved via JPA
  • Bean Validation (JSR 303) support, including propagation of the constraints down to database DDL
  • Automated JUnit integration tests that build on Spring Framework’s integration test features
  • An automated RESTful application backend
  • Automated Selenium tests of your web tier
  • Dynamically creating finders on your entities, producing robust JPA QL finder methods without any coding
  • Spring Security integration, including web URL security and one-line (“install security”) installation
  • Spring Web Flow one-line (“install web flow”) installation services
  • Instant email sending support – even via remote SMTP servers like GMail
  • Inbuilt Log4J configuration support
  • URL rewriting that keeps the URLs clean and RESTful
  • Easy manual web controller creation
  • Round-trip support that sustains higher productivity over the full application lifecycle
  • Embedded Tomcat server container usage
  • Full Eclipse and SpringSource Tool Suite integration
  • An easy-to-use, tab-completing, hint-providing, contextually-aware command line shell
  • Scripting support (try out the Roo samples by typing commands like “script clinic.roo”)

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