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SpringSource Tool Suite

SpringSource Tool Suite (STS) provides the best Eclipse-powered development environment for building Spring-powered enterprise applications. SpringSource Tool Suite provides the best and most complete set of tools for creating Spring applications that run on the major application server platforms such as Apache Tomcat, IBM WebSphere, Oracle WebLogic, JBoss, SpringSource tc Server and SpringSource dm Server. SpringSource Tool Suite is freely available for development and internal business operations use with no time limits.

STS is the only tool on the market that enables Spring applications to be packaged and deployed onto a modular OSGi runtime environment as provided by SpringSource dm Server. STS also incorporates a task-focused user interface to speed development, architecture review tools to guide developers toward best practices, and runtime error analysis with automated resolution lookup to help developers solve problems in running applications.

  • Greater Productivity: Building Spring-powered applications is made easier when using the Project Creation Wizard, rich forms-based Spring Configuration Editor, Quick Fixes and Quick Assist, Bean Creation Wizard, Namespace Configuration Dialog, and many other visual tools.
  • OSGi Made Easy: Developers now have the tools necessary to visualize, package, and deploy truly modular applications onto the industry’s only application server built from the ground up to support OSGi-based applications – SpringSource dm Server
  • Developer Onramp to Virtualization: Developers deploying Spring-powered applications within virtualized data centers now have tools that help them test and debug applications running on VMware Workstation.
  • Task Focused Development: STS includes and extends Mylyn’s Task-focused user interface to provide a smooth and simple workflow that makes it much easier for developers to navigate the complex hierarchies of modern enterprise applications. The tool maintains a focused browsing history for all programming elements opened as well as Web resources accessed.
  • Guided Learning: For newcomers to developing Spring-powered applications or experienced developers utilizing new features of Spring, STS leverages its task-based user interface to provide tool-guided assistance through tutorials and SpringSource training materials. Developers are walked through the process of building complete applications at all stages of the development and deployment lifecycle.

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  1. Relica | Apr 21, 2010 | Reply

    Springs as we all know are elastic objects that can store mechanical energy in it and can also consequently release it when required. Now springs can be classified into many types, depending on the properties that each spring possesses. One such property on the basis of which springs are classified is the load that each spring carries. On the basis of the load that each spring can carry, springs can be divided into three types, which are tension spring also known as extension spring, torsion spring and lastly compression spring. So you should have some idea about the different types of compression springs.
    About compression springs
    Let us deal on the various types of compression springs. But before we start explaining its types you should at first know what a compression spring is. The name compression springs it self suggest that it is a spring that can be compressed. But when dealt in details it refers to a spring which is designed in such a way, that whenever any form of compressive load is applied on the these springs, the springs gets reduced in its size. Generally by compression springs we usually refer to the coil compression springs but that does not mean that all compression springs are coil compression springs. In fact there are many other types of springs and even certain other objects which resemble a spring that can be used as compression springs in certain special cases and applications.

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