RSS Feed for JavaCategory: Java

Feature Engineering Toolkit »

FeatureFu[l] contains web design joondalup collection of library/tools for advanced feature engineering, such as using extended s-expression based feature transformation, to derive features on top of other features, or convert a light weighted model (logistical regression or decision tree) into a feature, in an intuitive way without touching any code. If you want to get […]

grpc »

grpc is high performance, open source, general-purpose RPC framework from Google. gRPC is a modern, open source remote procedure call (RPC) framework that can run anywhere. It enables client and server applications to communicate transparently, and makes it easier to build connected systems. The main usage scenarios: Low latency, highly scalable, distributed systems. Developing mobile […]

Java NIO Asynchronous Sockets »

Naga aims to be a very small NIO library that provides a handful of java classes to wrap the usual Socket and ServerSocket with asynchronous NIO counterparts (similar to NIO2 planned for Java 1.7). All of this is driven from a single thread, making it useful for both client (e.g. allowing I/O to be done […]

Java–Realtime Client Server Framework »

The Atmosphere Framework contains client and server side components for building Asynchronous Web Application. The majority of popular frameworks are either supporting Atmosphere or supported natively by the framework. The Atmosphere Framework supports all majors Browsers and Servers Atmosphere transparently supports WebSockets, Server Side Events (SSE), Long-Polling, HTTP Streaming (Forever frame) and JSONP. The Atmosphere […]

AJAX Push Engine »

APE is a full-featured OpenSource solution designed for Ajax Push. It includes a comet server and a Javascript Framework. APE allows to implement any kind of real-time data streaming to a web browser, without having to install anything on the client-side. The Ajax Push Engine Project is divided into two distinct parts communicating via a […]

Java–CORS Filter »

Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that allows JavaScript on a web page to make XMLHttpRequests to another domain, not the domain the JavaScript originated from. Such “cross-domain” requests would otherwise be forbidden by web browsers, per the same origin security policy. eBay CORS filter is a Java Servlet Filter implementation of server-side CORS […]

Java/Android UPnP Library »

Cling is a complete, clean, and very flexible Java/Android UPnP library, implementing the UPnP Device Architecture 1.0specification. Additional UPnP service modules and graphical tools are also part of this project. Cling helps you create, control, and monitor UPnP-compatible services on your local network. Cling Core is a Java UPnP library that implements this infrastructure, it […]

Open Source Prediction Engine for Big Data »

H2O makes hadoop do math! H2O scales statistics, machine learning and math over Big Data. H2O is extensible and users can build blocks using simple math legos in the core. H2O keeps familiar interfaces like R, Excel & JSON so that big data enthusiasts and experts can explore, munge, model and score data sets using […]

Apache OpenNLP »

The Apache OpenNLP library is a machine learning based toolkit for the processing of natural language text. It supports the most common NLP tasks, such as tokenization, sentence segmentation, part-of-speech tagging, named entity extraction, chunking, parsing, and coreference resolution. These tasks are usually required to build more advanced text processing services. OpenNLP also includes maximum […]

CLAVIN–Document GeoTagging and Parsing »

CLAVIN (*Cartographic Location And Vicinity INdexer*) is an open source software package for document geotagging and geoparsing that employs context-based geographic entity resolution. It combines a variety of open source tools with natural language processing techniques to extract location names from unstructured text documents and resolve them against gazetteer records. Importantly, CLAVIN does not simply […]

Java Video Analysis and Modeling Tool »

Tracker is a free video analysis and modeling tool built on the Open Source Physics (OSP) Java framework. It is designed to be used in physics education. Tracker video modeling is a powerful new way to combine videos with computer modeling. For more information see Particle Model Help or AAPT Summer Meeting posters Video Modeling […]

Android: Computer Vision Library »

OpenCV4Android OpenCv4Android is available as a SDK with a set of samples and Javadoc documentation for OpenCV Java API. It also contains prebuilt apk-files, which you can run on your device instantly. There are three OpenCV tutorials aimed to help you start: “Introduction into Android Development” would be useful for the absolute beginner, because it […]

JavaCV: OpenCV Java Interface »

JavaCV first provides wrappers to commonly used libraries by researchers in the field of computer vision: OpenCV, FFmpeg, libdc1394, PGR FlyCapture, OpenKinect, videoInput, and ARToolKitPlus. The classes found under the com.googlecode.javacv.cpp package namespace expose their complete APIs. Moreover, utility classes make their functionality easier to use on the Java platform, including Android. JavaCV also comes […]

Android Network Spoofer »

Network Spoofer lets you change websites on other people’s computers – from your phone. Network Spoofer runs on Android devices with the following requirements: Which are rooted (‘su’). Have an SD card (or internal storage) with >450MB spare space. Which has Wifi The first can be obtained by using a custom firmware such as CyanogenMod. […]

Storm–Distributed Real-time Computation System »

Storm is a free and open source distributed real-time computation system. Storm makes it easy to reliably process unbounded streams of data, doing for real-time processing what Hadoop did for batch processing. Storm is simple, can be used with any programming language, and is a lot of fun to use! Storm has many use cases: […]

Web Services Mocking Library »

WireMock is a flexible library for stubbing and mocking web services. Unlike general purpose mocking tools it works by creating an actual HTTP server that your code under test can connect to as it would a real web service. It supports HTTP response stubbing, request verification, proxy/intercept, record/playback of stubs and fault injection, and can […]

j2objc – Java to iOS Objective-C Translation Tool and Runtime. »

J2ObjC is an open-source command-line tool from Google that translates Java code to Objective-C for the iOS (iPhone/iPad) platform. This tool enables Java code to be part of an iOS application’s build, as no editing of the generated files is necessary. The goal is to write an app’s non-UI code (such as data access, or […]

Open Source Java Home Automation »

Automation Light Interface Control Environment aka A.L.I.C.E. is written as a 100% Java application using both Swing and Comm API packages, all of which are extensions to the Java core libraries. Alice will allow you to control your X10 enabled light and appliance modules by using the CM11A, CM12U, or CM17A interface. These interfaces connect […]

JNinka: Identify Open Source Licenses in Your Application »

JNinka is license identification tool that identifies the license(s) under which a source file is made available. JNinka source code is available at

Java Library for Parsing HTML »

jsoup is a Java library for working with real-world HTML. It provides a very convenient API for extracting and manipulating data, using the best of DOM, CSS, and jquery-like methods. jsoup implements the WHATWG HTML5 specification, and parses HTML to the same DOM as modern browsers do. scrape and parse HTML from a URL, file, […]