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Moved to a New Host

If you have noticed, recently we have migrated our web site away from BlueHost.

We have hosted our site with it for more than 5 years. At the beginning we are happy with the service until things started to change this year.

We had received similar emails as below on March 7, March 19 and March 21 and subsequently our site was suspended forever and had to look for a new host.


FYI, the site is using an open source project management tool called Redmine which we used to host a few of our projects, but if you are still looking for a web hoster and can´t decide on which one because of the prices, then get some of these web hosting promo codes. It is running on Ruby on Rails, and we  have hosted it for few years without any issues. Starting this year, we noticed that the performance started to drop. At one time, the site was not functioning at all. We contacted the support and they blamed that it is a problem related to the code.

Things started to get really bad this month when our site was being blamed for causing performance issue. We contacted the support again and it is the same reply – there is a problem in our code. We created a ticket on this and was trying to explain that even using a blank Ruby on Rails application using the wizard provided in the Control Panel, there was still a performance issue, and this could be a problem related to the server itself.

When the site was suspended for the 3rd time on March 21, we are totally fed up and since now we cannot activate the site anymore, we have to look for a new host.

After 2 days of downtime, we switched to DreamHost. With the same application hosted, there are no crashes and performance is much better under the same shared hosting environment.

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