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Open Source Project Management Tool

dotProject is a web-based project management application, designed to provide project layout and control functions.

dotProject aims to provide the project manager with a tool to manage tasks, schedules, communication and sharing. But beware, dotProject will not be all things to all project managers – you may find that other FOSS tools are more appropriate to your particular requirements. You will need to do some investigation and testing to find the product that best suits your requirements.

dotProject assumes that you understand the basic concepts of project management and what it is that you are trying to achieve in looking for a project management tool.


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  1. Suruchi | Feb 3, 2009 | Reply

    I feel DeskAway ( is much better and organized than dotproject.

  2. | Mar 12, 2009 | Reply

    I just use OpenProj .

    Works like a charm 🙂

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  1. From The Importance Of Communication In Project Management | Feb 3, 2009

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