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Java: Refactor Code by Introducing NULL Object

This is from the Refactoring book by Martin Fowler.

In our code we always need to check if a object is null, and depending on it, different actions are taken.

E.g. for the following code

   1: if (subscriber == null) {
   2:       ratePlan = defaultRatePlan;
   3: } else {
   4:         ratePlan = subscriber.getRatePlan();
   5: }

The rationale is that if in our code we always need to check for NULL value for an object, it is good that we create a NULL object for the value object.

For the above code example, I can create a NullSubscriber object in this case.

   2: public class NullSubscriber extends Subscriber {
   4:     ...
   6:     public boolean isNull() {
   7:         return true;
   8:     }
  10:     public RatePlan getRatePlan(){
  11:         return defaultRatePlan;
  12:     }
  13: }

The NULL object extends Subscriber and implements the isNull method. Subscriber class also implements the isNull method and a static factory method to create the NULL object.

   1: public class Subscriber {
   2:     private RatePlan ratePlan;
   4:     protected Subscriber() {
   6:     }
   7:     public RatePlan getRatePlan() {
   8:         return ratePlan;
   9:     }
  11:     public void setRatePlan(RatePlan ratePlan) {
  12:         this.ratePlan = ratePlan;
  13:     }
  15:     public boolean isNull() {
  16:         return false;
  17:     }
  19:     static Subscriber newNull() {
  20:         return new NullSubscriber();
  21:     }
  23: }

In the class that return Subscriber object, I need to modify it to return the NULL subscriber if the object is null

   1: public Subscriber getSubscriber() {
   2:     if (subscriber == null) return Subscriber.newNull();
   3:     return subscriber;
   4: }

As you can see, the behavior is now moved to the NULL object. So the checking for null can now be removed.

   1: if (subscriber == null) {
   2:     ratePlan = defaultRatePlan;
   3: } else {
   4:    ratePlan = subscriber.getRatePlan();
   5: }
   7: // For the above can be simplified to
   8: ratePlan = subscriber.getRatePlan();

Now I can assign the rate plan directly.

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