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Java: Swing based Web Application Framework

Wings is a web application framework based on Java Servlets, resembling the Swing API with its MVC paradigm and event oriented design principles. It utilizes the models, events, and event listeners of Swing. Like in Swing, components are arranged in a hierarchy of containers, whose root container is hooked to a frame.

Quoted from the site,

Though MVC and Swing are well established and well known, most web application frameworks on the market are still stuck in the paradigm ofpage-flow oriented design principles and require a heavy mixture of different technologies like XML, Java, JSP, Tag libraries, etc.

In contrast wingS offers a very efficient and sophisticated way to implement and design complex real-world applications in pure Java, enabling to fully leverage modern software design principles like inheritance,component-oriented design, refactoring and all the others without making a stop on the web tier.

Therefore Wings provides an API for designing web applications which isnearly identical with the well proven Java Swing API for classical desktop-based applications.

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