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IntelliJ IDEA toString Plugin

This is a very useful plugin for IntelliJ.

Generate toString() is a plugin to IDEA.

The plugin adds a new toString() action in the generate menu (alt + ins). The action generates a toString() method that dumps the classes fields. Java body code is generated using Velocity and you can fully customize this. The plugin has it’s own settings (ctrl + alt + s). Full documentation included (Click the link from Settings).


As quoted from the website, if features

  • quick generation of toString() methods
  • 6 out-of-the-box templates to choose for code layout in the generate toString() methods
  • generated code can be customized using powerful Velocity macro language
  • default templates supports different code styles:
    • string concat (+)
    • StringBuilder (JDK 1.5)
    • org.apache.commons.lang.toStringBuilder()
    • with/without @Override annotations
    • with/without super.toString()
  • field chooser dialogs (just like generate getter/setter)
  • confirm options can be default set so you wont be bothered by questions “toString() method already exists”
  • getter methods can also be threated as fields and thus be obligated for output in the generated code
  • exclusion of certain fields can be set (eg. loggers, constant fields). Can be set using regular expression to give you the full power
  • quick selection list of templates to choose when the action is invoked, so you at runtime can choose what template/code style
  • option to automatic sort elements in the generated code
  • inspections to inspect for:
    • classes without toString() methods
    • classes that has out of sync existing toString() methods
  • on-the-fly inspections to let you know if you the fields you class have defined is out of sync with your toString() method
  • a lot of class introspected context to give you full power to customize the code generation in Velocity ($class.hasSuper(), etc.)
  • full plugin documentation included
  • The plugin has its own settings (ctrl + alt + s)
  • And many other minor “hidden” details added from community feedback.

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