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Java - Simplify Software Testing using FEST

FEST (Fixtures for Easy Software Testing) is a collection of APIs, released under the Apache 2.0 license, which mission is to simplify software testing.

As quoted from the website, it consists of the following modules that can be used with JUnit and TestNG.

Swing Module

  • DSL-oriented API for functional Swing GUI testing
  • Simulation of user-generated events and reliable GUI component lookup
  • Easy-to-use and powerful API that simplifies creation and maintenance of Swing GUI functional tests
  • Ability to take screenshots of failed GUI tests and embed them in a HTML test report

Assertion Module

  • Flexible’ or ‘fluent’ assertions
  • Assertions for Objects, Strings, arrays (including primitives), primitives, Collections, images and more!
  • Assertions can be extended using custom conditions or custom assertion classes

Reflection Module

  • ‘Fluent interface’ for simplifying usage of reflection.

Mocks Module

  • Eliminates code duplication when using mock objects
  • Clearly separates mock expectations from code to test, improving code readability


A good article on Test-driven GUI development with FEST

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