Archive for April, 2008

.NET: Error Adding Web Reference for Soap 1.2 Web Service »

There is a weird error that I encountered when I tried to add a web reference in .NET. Look like Microsoft is not following the standard ? There is no SoapTransportImporter that understands the transport ‘’ Look like the following line in the WSDL is causing the problem <wsdl:binding name="SDPServicesHttpBinding" type="tns:SDPServicesInterface"> <soap12:binding style="document" transport="" [...]

Open Source Testing Tools I Used for Java Project »

Here are the testing tools I commonly used for Java development. Some of the tools are not just for Java project but can be used across all software development projects. Web Application Test Tool Selenium – Selenium is a test tool for web applications. Selenium tests run directly in a browser, just like real users [...]

Use Google Data APIs (GData) to Access Google Services »

I was trying GData to access YouTube. If you don’t know, Google Data APIs is Google way of reading and writing data on the web. Many Google Services support it now. As quoted, these APIs use either of two standard XML-based syndication formats: Atom or RSS. They also have a feed-publishing system that consists of [...]

Hudson: An Extensible Continuous Integration Engine »

I was trying on some of the continuous integration tools like Continuum, CruiseControl, and Hudson. Each one has its own features and after trying them out, I decided to use Hudson. I would like to point out that for those who want to use any continuous integration tool, it is good that you try them [...]

Java: Using YAML for Data Transfer »

Download Sample Previously I posted a few articles on using JSON for data transfer, in Java and .NET. Recently I have also tested YAML. YAML stands for YAML Ain’t Markup Language. Well, sounds like GNU is not for UNIX . It is a human friendly data serialization standard for all programming languages. Here I am [...]

Java: Simplified Plugin Finder using Commons Discovery »

I have written some articles on developing a simple Java Plugin Framework some times back. In the articles I showed you how to add additional features to existing application framework by implementing a common interface. To implement a plugin framework, we need to discover all the pluggable interfaces. Since then I have tried Apache Commons [...]