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Maven: JAR/WAR Final Name, Excluding JAR Files from WAR

Maven is a good build tool but sometimes it is quite confusing to use. I have encountered the followings

JAR/WAR file Final Name
By default the final JAR or WAR file generated is <project-name>-<version-number>.jar/war. At first to change it I used the following.


It works for JAR file but not for WAR file. I tried the following.


This does NOT work. At the end, the way which works for both JAR and WAR is




To Exclude Unnecessary JAR files from WAR
I tried to generate the WAR file for my web application, and ended up with a lot of unwanted JAR files packaged together in the WAR file. To resolve this, first I tried to change the dependency to provided.


This works but in the first place I do not need servlet-api-2.3.jar. It is packaged in the WAR because of transitive dependency. Finally I do it this way.


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