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Oracle Queries for Performance Monitoring and Tuning

Here are some Oracle queries I collected from various websites

Resources in High Demand

select active_session_history.event,
sum(active_session_history.wait_time +
active_session_history.time_waited) ttl_wait_time
from v$active_session_history active_session_history
where active_session_history.sample_time 
between sysdate - 60/2880 and sysdate
group by active_session_history.event
order by 2

Locked Objects

SELECT o.owner, o.object_name, o.object_type, 
o.last_ddl_time, o.status, l.session_id, 
l.oracle_username, l.locked_mode
FROM dba_objects o, gv$locked_object l
WHERE o.object_id = l.object_id;

Long Running Operations

select * from (
select opname, target, sofar, totalwork,
units, elapsed_seconds, message
from v$session_longops order by start_time desc)
where rownum <=10;

User Waiting

select sesion.sid,
sum(active_session_history.wait_time +
active_session_history.time_waited) ttl_wait_time
from v$active_session_history active_session_history,
v$session sesion
where active_session_history.sample_time 
between sysdate - 60/2880 and sysdate
and active_session_history.session_id = sesion.sid
group by sesion.sid, sesion.username
order by 3

SQLs using Most Resources

select active_session_history.user_id,
sum(active_session_history.wait_time +
active_session_history.time_waited) ttl_wait_time
from v$active_session_history active_session_history,
v$sqlarea sqlarea,
where active_session_history.sample_time 
between sysdate - 60/2880 and sysdate
and active_session_history.sql_id = sqlarea.sql_id
and active_session_history.user_id = dba_users.user_id
group by active_session_history.user_id,sqlarea.sql_text, 
order by 4

Objects Causing Highest Resource Waits

select dba_objects.object_name,
sum(active_session_history.wait_time +
active_session_history.time_waited) ttl_wait_time
from v$active_session_history active_session_history,
where active_session_history.sample_time 
between sysdate - 60/2880 and sysdate
and active_session_history.current_obj# = dba_objects.object_id
group by dba_objects.object_name, 
dba_objects.object_type, active_session_history.event
order by 4

Script to Check if Indexes Need to be Rebuild


Starting in Oracle 10g release2, Oracle recommends not setting the db_file_multiblock_read_count parameter, allowing Oracle to empirically determine the optimal setting.

Oracle sequential read disk I/O tuning

Automatically tuned multi-block reads in 10g

Oracle disk access speeds for full scan operations

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