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NextTel Open Source J2ME Toolkits

This is another useful J2ME library that I used before. However, it is not being updated for quite awhile. What I did is that I integrate the source code into my existing project and modify from there.

Nextel’s Open Source J2ME Toolkits
contain libraries for user interface and RMS development on J2ME handsets.

The windowing toolkit, OWT (Open Windowing Toolkit), employs a container/component model, and provides interfaces to permit developers to create their own user interface components. The toolkit is designed specifically for MIDP handsets with a small amount of screen real estate. It is built on top of MIDP’s Canvas class.

The RMS toolkit provides classes that simplify record management on MIDP devices. It offers the following features:

  • Store operations can be performed via record objects built on the more primitive byte array operations provided in javax.microedition.rms.
  • Record stores can be cached in memory, to significantly reduce record access time in persistent-store intensive applications.
  • A vector or array of records to be written to or retrieved from a persistent store via a single method call.
  • Records can be uploaded or downloaded from a networked source.

I mainly use the RMS functionalities as it really make RMS manipulation easier. For J2ME GUI development, I use J2ME Polish.

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