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Java: Detect and Use System Proxy

Here is a Java class that you use to detect and use the system proxy, or direct connection is available to the Internet.

Basically, it uses property which is available starting JDK 5.

   1: package com.cdp.proxy.plugins;
   4: import;
   5: import;
   6: import;
   7: import;
   8: import java.util.List;
  10: /**
  11:  * Detecting and selecting a proxy
  12:  *
  13:  */
  14: public class ProxyDetector {
  16:     private static final String PROXY_PROPERTY = "";
  17:     private final List<Proxy> proxies;
  18:     private final Proxy proxyToUse;
  20:     /**
  21:      * No instances
  22:      */
  23:     private ProxyDetector() {
  24:         this.proxies = initProxies();
  25:         this.proxyToUse = determineProxy();
  26:     }
  28:     /**
  29:      * ProxyDetectorHolder is loaded on the first execution of ProxyDetector.getInstance()
  30:      * or the first access to ProxyDetectorHolder.INSTANCE, not before.
  31:      */
  32:     private static class ProxyDetectorHolder {
  33:         private static final ProxyDetector INSTANCE = new ProxyDetector();
  34:     }
  36:     /**
  37:      * @return the instance
  38:      */
  39:     public static ProxyDetector getInstance() {
  40:         return ProxyDetectorHolder.INSTANCE;
  41:     }
  43:     /**
  44:      * Find the proxy, use the property <code></code> to force
  45:      * the usage of the system proxy. The value of this setting is restored afterwards.
  46:      *
  47:      * @return a list of found proxies
  48:      */
  49:     private List<Proxy> initProxies() {
  50:         final String valuePropertyBefore = System.getProperty(PROXY_PROPERTY);
  51:         try {
  52:             System.setProperty(PROXY_PROPERTY, "true");
  53:             return ProxySelector.getDefault().select(new""));
  54:         } catch (Exception e) {
  55:             // As ProxyDetector is the initial code being executed in main,
  56:             // we cannot afford any failure. This will make our entire JStock
  57:             // application crash.
  58:             // throw new RuntimeException(e);
  59:             System.out.println(e.getMessage());
  60:         } finally {
  61:             if (valuePropertyBefore != null) {
  62:                 System.setProperty(PROXY_PROPERTY, valuePropertyBefore);
  63:             }
  64:         }
  65:         return java.util.Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
  66:     }
  68:     /**
  69:      * Is there a direct connection available? If I return <tt>true</tt> it is not
  70:      * necessary to detect a proxy address.
  71:      *
  72:      * @return <tt>true</tt> if the is a direct connection to the internet
  73:      */
  74:     public boolean directConnectionAvailable() {
  75:         for (Proxy proxy : this.proxies) {
  76:             if (Proxy.NO_PROXY.equals(proxy)) {
  77:                 return true;
  78:             }
  79:         }
  80:         return false;
  81:     }
  83:     /**
  84:      * @return did we detect a proxy?
  85:      */
  86:     public boolean proxyDetected() {
  87:         return this.proxyToUse != null;
  88:     }
  90:     /**
  91:      * I will determine the right proxy, there might be several proxies
  92:      * available, but some might not support the HTTP protocol.
  93:      *
  94:      * @return a proxy which can be used to access the given url, <tt>null</tt>
  95:      * if there is no proxy which supports HTTP.
  96:      */
  97:     private Proxy determineProxy() {
  98:         if (!directConnectionAvailable()) {
  99:             for (Proxy proxy : this.proxies) {
 100:                 if (proxy.type().equals(Proxy.Type.HTTP)) {
 101:                     return proxy;
 102:                 }
 103:             }
 104:         }
 105:         return null;
 106:     }
 108:     /**
 109:      * @return a String representing the hostname of the proxy, <tt>null</tt> if there is no proxy
 110:      */
 111:     public String getHostname() {
 112:         if (this.proxyToUse != null) {
 113:             final SocketAddress socketAddress = this.proxyToUse.address();
 114:             if (socketAddress instanceof InetSocketAddress) {
 115:                 InetSocketAddress address = (InetSocketAddress) socketAddress;
 116:                 return address.getHostName();
 117:             }
 118:         }
 119:         return null;
 120:     }
 122:     /**
 123:      * @return the port of the proxy, <tt>-1</tt> if there is no proxy
 124:      */
 125:     public int getPort() {
 126:         if (this.proxyToUse != null) {
 127:             final SocketAddress socketAddress = this.proxyToUse.address();
 128:             if (socketAddress instanceof InetSocketAddress) {
 129:                 InetSocketAddress address = (InetSocketAddress) socketAddress;
 130:                 return address.getPort();
 131:             }
 132:         }
 133:         return -1;
 134:     }
 135: }

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  1. Filipe | Dec 17, 2009 | Reply

    Is it fail to detect domains where proxy shoud not be used? I tried something like this a time ago and it does not work for exceptions.

    Proxy exceptions example: “localhost||*”

    It looks like O.S. does not share this values, or JVM is not able to read them.

    Do you have a solution for this issue?


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