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Oracle: Maximum Cursor Exceeded Problem

Here are some useful SQLs to help resolve maximum cursor exceeded problem.

The SQLs are from

Monitor Open Cursor

--total cursors open, by session
select a.value, s.username, s.sid, s.serial#
from v$sesstat a, v$statname b, v$session s
where a.statistic# = b.statistic#  and s.sid=a.sid
and = 'opened cursors current';

Monitor By User Name and Machine

--total cursors open, by username & machine
select sum(a.value) total_cur, avg(a.value) avg_cur, max(a.value) max_cur, 
s.username, s.machine
from v$sesstat a, v$statname b, v$session s 
where a.statistic# = b.statistic#  and s.sid=a.sid
and = 'opened cursors current' 
group by s.username, s.machine
order by 1 desc;

Check Max Open Cursor

select max(a.value) as highest_open_cur, p.value as max_open_cur
from v$sesstat a, v$statname b, v$parameter p
where a.statistic# = b.statistic# 
and = 'opened cursors current'
and 'open_cursors'
group by p.value;

Session Cached Cursor

--session cached cursors, by session
select a.value, s.username, s.sid, s.serial#
from v$sesstat a, v$statname b, v$session s
where a.statistic# = b.statistic#  and s.sid=a.sid
and = 'session cursor cache count' ;

See Session Cursor SQL

select c.user_name, c.sid, sql.sql_text
from v$open_cursor c, v$sql sql
where c.sql_id=sql.sql_id  -- for 9i and earlier use: c.address=sql.address
and c.sid=&sid

Tuning Session Cached Cursor

select cach.value cache_hits, prs.value all_parses, 
prs.value-cach.value sess_cur_cache_not_used
from v$sesstat cach, v$sesstat prs, v$statname nm1, v$statname nm2
where cach.statistic# = nm1.statistic#  
and = 'session cursor cache hits' 
and prs.statistic#=nm2.statistic#
and 'parse count (total)'
and cach.sid= &sid and prs.sid= cach.sid ;
--session cached cursors, for a given SID, compared to max
select a.value curr_cached, p.value max_cached, s.username, s.sid, s.serial#
from v$sesstat a, v$statname b, v$session s, v$parameter2 p
where a.statistic# = b.statistic#  and s.sid=a.sid and a.sid=&sid
and = 'session cursor cache count' ;

Bear in mind that if in your Java application you are using dynamic SQL, and you pools prepared statements, you may encounter this issue.

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