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Java: Gmaps for JSF

GMaps4JSF aims at integrating Google maps with JSF. JSF users will be also able to construct complex Streetview Panoramas and Maps with just few lines of code (JSF tags).


GMaps4JSF is one of the JSF Mashups libraries that enables JSF users to build web 2.0 mashup applications in JSF easily.

The library provides JSF tags that make it easy to

  • Create the map using (latitude and longitude) or (address).
  • Add marker(s) to the map.
  • Add information text(s) to the map.
  • Add control(s) to the map.
  • Create event listener(s) on the map objects.
  • Draw polyline(s) on the map.
  • Draw polygon(s) on the map.
  • Add groundOverlay(s) on the map.
  • Perform different operations on the map like zoom in and out, switching between map types, …etc.
  • Create a Streetview Panorama and integrate it simply with the map.

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