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Open Source Test Data Generators

Here are some data generators that I used to generate test or sample data for testing purposes.


benerator supports you in performing realistic load and performance tests. It is a framework for generating realistic and valid high-volume test data for your system under test (avoiding the Datalite anti-pattern). benerator actually reduces the amount of time for creating a useful data setup of a medium sized enterprise application or XML Schema from 2-4 weeks to 1-2 days!



dbMonster is a tool which helps database application developers with tuning the structure of the database, tuning the usage of indexes, and testing the application performance under heavy database load. dbMonster generates as much random test data as you wish and puts it into SQL database. It provides a very pluggable interface and is trivial to use. dbMonster is written in Java.



Data Generator is a free, open source script written in JavaScript, PHP and MySQL that lets you quickly generate large volumes of custom data in a variety of formats for use in testing software and populating databases.

It features

  • (JS-enabled) browser-friendly.
  • Many data types available: names, phone numbers, email addresses, cities, states, provinces, counties, dates, street addresses, number ranges, alphanumeric strings, lorem ipsum text and more.
  • Option to generate data in XML, Excel, HTML, CSV or SQL.
  • Country specific data (state / province / county) for Canada, US, Netherlands and UK.
  • Does your laundry.
  • Saves your data generation forms for later use (downloadable version & for donators only)



Datagenerator is a library and GUI for generating rule based test data for various databases like Mysql, Firebird, Interbase, MSSQL, Oracle, SQLite and PostgreSQL.


dgMaster is a simple, free, extensible and open source data generator released under the GPL license.

The data generator has built-in support for a number of simple java data types, as well as some higher-level data types:

  • Boolean
  • Date
  • Numeric (Integer, Double, Float, Long)
  • String
  • SQLDate
  • SQLTimestamp
  • SQLTime
  • English text
  • Dictionary usage
  • English first names
  • English last names
  • English full names (with title, etc.)
  • emails

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