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Apache Axis or CXF ?

Both Axis and CXF are now under the umbrella of Apache now, and both of them are web services framework. So which one to choose for web services development? One good article for reference can be found here.

Personally I have tested and used both frameworks and I would agree that both frameworks behave very differently from each other. CXF has better integration with Spring, and Axis has more options for data bindings.

I tested both under the same Tomcat configurations to load test both frameworks with the same functionalities. It looks like CXF performance is better than Axis2. My tuning is only on the O/S and Tomcat level and the test results may not be reflective of the frameworks capabilities.

If you ask me what I have chosen at the end.. it is CXF. I have to choose one, right 🙂

Another to look at will be Spring WS.

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