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Design Pattern in Java 101 – Visitor Pattern (Behavioral Pattern)

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NOTE: This is written for me to recap and relearn what I learnt before….

This article is written in order for me to recap what I have learnt and used before, though I know there are already many sites which talked about all these.

Visitor Pattern defines a new operation to deal with the classes of the elements without changing their structures.


Create a IProcess interface,

public interface IProcessor {
    public void process(IMessage message);

IProcessor accepts IMessage as the parameter.

Create a IMessage interface,

public interface IMessage {
    public String parse();    

Create a MessageProcessor class which implements IProcessor

public class MessageProcessor implements IProcessor{

    private String messageType;

    public void process(IMessage message) {
        messageType = message.parse();

    public String toString() {
        return "Processor for " + messageType ;

Create SMSMessage and MMSMessage class which implement IMessage

public class SMSMessage implements IMessage {

    public String parse() {
        return "SMS Message";
public class MMSMessage implements IMessage {

    public String parse() {
        return "MMS Message";

You can create another message processor depending on your need.

public class AnotherMessageProcessor {
    private String messageType;

    public void process(IMessage message) {
        messageType = message.parse();

    public String toString() {
        return "Another Processor for " + messageType;

To test it, use the following code stub

public class TestPattern {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        MMSMessage mmsMessage = new MMSMessage();
        SMSMessage smsMessage = new SMSMessage();

        MessageProcessor messageProcessor = new MessageProcessor();
                   anotherMessageProcessor = 
                                   new AnotherMessageProcessor();



The output

Processor for MMS Message
Processor for SMS Message
Another Processor for MMS Message
Another Processor for SMS Message

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  1. Erin Klein | Apr 19, 2008 | Reply

    papacy accoladed blaff unmoving damagement bescent aboriginal selfsameness
    Diesel Spares India

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